Comment choisir son personnel de bar?


We all knew a bartender or barmaid who impressed us with his knowledge, his interpersonal skills and his sense of humor. These people behind the bar are as passionate as they are passionate, and you have to know how to choose them carefully when it comes time to present an event where there will be drinks service. Fortunately, NESSS loves to share its tips and experience, and it's still the case today!

Employee sheets

You've been told often, you're told again and this is not the last time you'll hear it: organizing an event is complex and can sometimes seem colossal. Everything must be thought of and chosen carefully to make your evening unforgettable. This is not the time to choose employees quickly for serving drinks ... because they too will change your evening and the experience of your guests.


Before choosing your definitive team, do you build a notebook for your bar staff? Anyway, as you may organize other events, this notebook will not be lost, quite the contrary. This tool will help you gather all the relevant details of your potential employees.

Look for his Facebook profile, add his qualities and experiences, and most importantly, do not forget to add a photo! Once your book is well stocked, you can let your managers make the choice of bartenders and barmaids that strew the floor of your event. Your organization will delight them and their involvement in the project will make them even more appreciative of the work of your staff once in the field.

And their knowledge?

Of course, being a bar employee is not so easy a task as one can imagine. If you only serve one type of cocktail, the basic knowledge of drinks may not be so useful. On the other hand, if you offer the full bar service, make sure that your guests who head to the bar meet up with someone who can concoct the potion of their choice. A satisfied guest is a guest who remembers and shares, do not forget it!

To learn more about your potential bar staff, have them take a quick look at their knowledge of spirits blends. And while there, why not ask them their best sales techniques? You will see how they will act with your customers and they will amaze the gallery with their legendary interpersonal skills!


An important face to face

Although social networks can reveal a lot about your potential candidates, do not underestimate the meeting with your candidates. You know how important it is to find dynamic, smiling and efficient bartenders and barmaids behind a bar, and it would be a shame if you missed them because you did not meet them beforehand.

The meeting may be short and may include some questions about their bar habits and experiences. Take the opportunity to give them their exam at the same time!


Let them impress you

At the end of your meeting, take them by surprise and offer them to make you a cocktail of their choice. After talking with him and getting to know him, you will leave that impression he will give to your guests if you decide to hire him. Nothing better than asking a potential candidate to make you a cocktail without warning to discover how it is when faced with the fait accompli.

Do not forget to not let yourself be charmed! Bartenders and barmaids have this unfortunate tendency to intoxicate all those who find in their way. ;)

Alexandre Maher

Vice President


Étude de cas : Natrel au Yul Eat


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