5 stuff for an effective brainstorm


Who has not dreamed of creating the perfect campaign, or the century line in record time? Here are 5 tips to put you in the best creative arrangements.

The magic number

To be effective, the team is important and the "raw talent" of the individuals is to be considered, but it is not what is the most important. For there to be an overbid of ideas, it is better to be 3 or more, to the maximum 6. When you work at 2, you tend to fall into a competition mode, often unconsciously, and spend a lot more time trying to convince the other of the value of your ideas than looking for new ones. When you work at 3 or more, you move faster and there are fewer ego confrontations.

It is also better to have people in different positions around the table. You thus make sure to be surrounded by individuals who think according to the objectives of each of their department. So you'll be able to build a 360 campaign faster.

Work and rest periods

The concentration and the willingness to create are unfortunately not inexhaustible resources. The optimal time for creation is 20 minutes; when you're on the right track, you can continue, but when you feel the impasse, change projects or get inspired by social media. Research is part of creation.

Space breeds ideas

It takes space for ideas to circulate. The place where you brainstorm is essential; you must be able to get up, stretch, lie down, throw the ball literally and figuratively. And if your walls do not tell you anything anymore? Change your place, or dress your walls differently! Tables and magnetic surfaces will be your best friends.

Rock, paper, post-it!

Vous avez beau être super techno, lorsque vous écrivez sur un clavier, vous avez tendance à vous autocensurer. Quand vous créez sur papier, vous travaillez le style, l’espace, les couleurs, ordonnez vos idées de façon intuitive. Vous pouvez aussi les faire circuler de main en main, les afficher, les déplacer. N’oubliez pas que la création est cérébrale, mais qu’elle passe aussi par le corps. Avez-vous déjà remarqué comment vous faites des percussions avec vos mains, comment vous tapez du pied quand vous êtes concentrés? Organisez vos outils pour laisser libre court à vos impulsions.

Good bad ideas

Bad ideas breed good ones, so you should not be afraid of them. We are all conditioned not to express the ideas that we deem bad, not to feel judged by our colleagues. It is however by sharing them that you will make yourself available to find better, bounce on it, deepen it. We must go to the end of the cliché to get out. We must explore all possibilities to retain the best.

Good creation!


Article written by:

Alexandre Maher

Vice président


5 cool themes for your Christmas party


Time technology: automation